From a global perspective, Munch is considered the most important artist to come out of Scandinavia and he was paved the way to the Expressionism. He introduced new themes into art: the existential angst, human loneliness, and the unpredictability of emotion. It may be the experience of family tragedy that led Munch not to follow the optimistically tinted world view if impressionism. After beginnings in Naturalism, Munch focused his attention on paintings psychological states and questions of fate. Munch’s sketchy, softly flowing contours and the large fields of color that come across as calm oases poured out onto the canvas have their roots in the Art Nouveau, without becoming stylized into decorative ornament.
ISBN: 9783741919299
Publisher: Prior
Languages: Romanian, English, Czech, Greek, Polish, Slovak.
Pages: 288
Format: Hardback with a jacket
Size: 180 x 180 mm
Year: 2017