As in the case of the first edition of the “Encyclopedia of Analytical Science”, the second edition is designed to provide a detailed and comprehensive publication covering all facets of the science and practices of analysis. The new paper has been extensively revised in terms of the titles and content of the first edition and includes a comprehensive coverage of the techniques used to determine specific elements, compounds and groups of compounds, in physical or biological matrices. It addresses the applications of chemical analysis in all fields, from topics such as medicine to environmental science and geology to food science. Important characterization techniques, such as microscopy and surface analysis, are also included.
The complete paper consists of about 610 articles, each consisting of about 4000 words, numbers and summary tables. These articles are combined to form larger entries, providing comprehensive coverage of important topics and helping the reader locate material of interest. Entries are arranged in an A to Z format, providing a final publication of approximately two and a half million words in ten volumes. The articles are structured to allow easy access to specific information about the analysis, instrumental techniques and sample matrix. There are cross-references throughout the Encyclopedia and a detailed index.