Gray’s Anatomy for Students, revised edition

Gray’s anatomy for students is a clinically oriented human anatomy book that addresses students.
It was primarily designed for students from different educational areas (general medicine, dental, but also other specialties). The book is useful both in the traditional education system, but especially an addition to the courses and practical work.
Analyze the human body in a logical order, insisting on the complexity of the organs and using a regional approach.
Each chapter was divided into four different sections: Overview, regional anatomy, live anatomy and clinical cases.
“A very good book that keeps the anatomy high on the medical sciences. The abundance of clinical case presentation gives an extra note of attractiveness to anatomical descriptions. Through translation and adaptation, the Romanian edition does not lose anything compared to the quality of the original. ”
ISBN: 9786069379608
Authors: Richard L. Drake, A. Wayne Vogl, Adam W. M. Mitchell; Consultanta stiintifica si traducere sub redactia Prof. Dr. Florin Mihail Filipoiu
Publisher: Prior
Language: Romana
Pages: 1126
Format: Hardback
Dimensions: 29 cm x 23 cm
Year of publication: 2014
This book print is in the Romanian language.