Art albums (large format)


art album

Walking the miles of galleries and corridors of the Louvre gives visitors a unique overview of European painting between the 13th and 19th centuries. The more than 3000 words on display at any time contain pieces by almost every known artist of each era and nation.
The Louvre Palace has long been a place for the people to encounter art. From 1699 when Louis XIV was on the throne, the Grande Galerie was made available for the annual exhibition of the Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture. New Commissions were selected for display based on the artists reputation or if the artist showed promise according to strict criteria coupled with a healthy dose of intrigue and corruption. After the French revolution the doors of the Salon Carre were opened to the wider audience. Since then, generations of art historian, artists and art lovers have come to the Louvre to study its collection.

ISBN: 9783741919275
Author: Martina Padberg
Publisher: Prior
Languages: Romanian, English, Czech, Greek, Polish, Slovak.
Pages: 400
Format: Hardback with a jacket
Size: 270 x 310 mm
Year: 2017

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