Transformational HR: Pasionat de oameni sau pasionat de business?

Perry Timms invites us to read a work that exposes, provokes, explains, describes, reinvents, connects and… invites you to reflect. Beyond being a handbook, far from being a reading exclusively for HR, Transformational HR [Passionate about people or passionate about business?] Is the written story of a practitioner who has the courage to start a revolution with and for generations now active in the labor market, on behalf of future generations. From carefully observing what is (no longer) changing, to the strong trends that influence our lives, with a collection of OD tools, to a transformation of the world of work according to the wishes of the most important players: those who work.
“There is no doubt that Perry has his own style – which is obvious in everything he does. Here this feature is used to describe behaviors, attitudes, mentalities and competencies at the individual, collective and strategic level. I am glad to note that Perry links these things to the professional standards of HR proposed by the CIPD and also to the Hackathon that I organized in 2013 together with Gary Hammel. It is encouraging that the ICPD institution, its members and practitioners like Perry, in search of alternatives to conventional ways, can all take part in a dialogue on how we will build this profession in the future. ”
– Peter Cheese, CEO at CIPD
ISBN: 9786069359709
Author: Perry Timms
Publisher: Prior
Romanian language
Nr. pages: 296
Format: Paperback
Dimensions: 15.5 x 23.5 cm
Appearance: 2018