Unique among medical texts, the “Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine” (tenth edition) is a complete and concise material for the main specialisations of medicine and offers a holistic, patient-centered approach. The tenth edition presents up-to-date key information, and the chapters on gastroenterology, infectious diseases, neurology and radiology have been completely revised.
The thematic approach overlaps with the classic evaluation of each case: anamnesis and objective examination, then the description of the pathology on devices and systems, with examples, diagrams, tables and images, which bring value to medical practice.
Appreciated by physicians for over three decades, the “Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine”continues to be a truly indispensable guide to the practice of modern medicine.
Romanian language coordinators: Prof. Dr. Corin Badiu and Prof. Dr. Cristian Baicus
Preface to the Romanian edition
The content of each chapter is detailed on the page dedicated to it.
Preface to the Romanian edition and to the 10th edition
Live thanks
Symbols and abbreviations
1 Medical thoughts 0
2 History and examination 40
3 Cardiovascular pathology 110
4 Pulmonology 182
5 Endocrinology 224
6 Gastroenterology 266
7 Nephrology 324
8 Hematology 364
9 Infectious diseases 424
10 Neurology 506
11 Oncology and palliative care 580
12 Rheumatology 606
13 Surgery 636
14 Clinical Biochemistry 742
15 Eponymous syndromes 774
16 Radiology 800
17 Reference intervals and other aspects 832 18 Practical procedures 840
19 Emergencies 860
20 References 936
Early warning score 952
Cardiac arrest 954